My first 3ds Max cho taught us about the basic of using 3ds Maxsuch as viewport manipulation, basic primitives, object tranformation (translate, rotate and scale),
rendering and also the subobject manipulation for Editable Mesh.After this class we got an assignment to create a 3d scene and render it to the final image.

rendering and also the subobject manipulation for Editable Mesh.After this class we got an assignment to create a 3d scene and render it to the final image.

For me I decided to create something simple but look complicated by using the basic Editable Mesh sub-object manipulation. Begining from a simple primitive box and set the segments to be 6 and then convert it to Editable Mesh. After that select its vertices rondomly and twist its.
Clone the original twisted box and place its all around the scene, set the colors randomly and render it from the Perspective View.
The final result is quite interesting especially the shadow on each adjacent faces of the twisted box.I will call this the "My Abstraction No.1"