While working as a game developer at PromptNow Company, I have developed the game project and prepare to present to the Thailand Software Industry Promotion Agency (under the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology) which as known as SIPA, an organization that promote the applications and games development especially the edutainment applications and games that give knowledge and encourage the good culture for the youths. For the game which I have designed, due to my interest in history of Thailand, I chose to design the game that based on the story of Thailand around 100 years ago. When Thailand was called “Siam” and the canals and the rivers are the main channel for communication and transportation (In this era Thailand was mentioned as the “East Venice”). In this period, Thailand was developing in many fields and adopting technology from the western; there were a lot of foreigners which working as architects and engineers. The society was very various due to the blending and contradiction between the traditional and the new culture (In the coast there were a lot of row boats, while in the middle of river there were huge steamships, the trams, horse carriages and automobiles were running on the same road.) In my opinion, this era of Thailand is very attractive and interesting because of there were many cultures, architecture styles and social dimensions.

This game was design in 2.5D Side Scrolling which allow players to move in both broadly horizontal and vertical direction in order to be easily exploring any places in the scene. The map is divided into the scenes which are connected via the junction. This scenes structure is suitable for map of the big and complex town plan. The scene graphics are combination of the 3D Pre-Rendered and the 2D painting background, while all characters are in 2D painting style.
Prototype of the Character design and animation focus on the players from age 6 – 12 years old. The design begin with the pencil sketch, then scanned into computer and finally painted in Photoshop using Pen Tool, Brush Tool and Matte Painting Technique.